This function takes multiple visreg objects, from separate calls to [visreg()], and joins them together in a single object. The single object will be of type `visregList` unless `collapse=TRUE` is specified, in which case the list will be collapsed back down into a single `visreg` object.
- ...
`visreg` objects, as produced by calls to [visreg()].
- labels
A character vector with length corresponding to the number of `visreg` objects passed to the function that provides labels for the different objects in subsequent plots. Only has an effect if `collapse=TRUE`.
- collapse
If `TRUE`, the resulting object will be collapsed down into a single `visreg` object. If `FALSE`, the resulting object will be a `visregList`.
fit <- lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp, data=airquality)
v1 <- visreg(fit, "Wind", plot=FALSE, alpha=0.2)
v2 <- visreg(fit, "Wind", plot=FALSE, alpha=0.01)
vv1 <- visregList(v1, v2, collapse=FALSE)
vv2 <- visregList(v1, v2, collapse=TRUE,
labels=c("Confidence: 0.80", "Confidence: 0.99"))
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))