Generally speaking, visreg works the same way for GLMs as with any other model:
data("birthwt", package="MASS")
fit <- glm(low ~ age + race + smoke + lwt, data=birthwt, family="binomial")
visreg(fit, "lwt", xlab="Mother's weight", ylab="Log odds (low birthweight)")
The unique aspect of GLMs is the link function joining the linear predictors to the response – note that the vertical axis in the above plot is the log-odds of the outcome, not low birthweight itself. This is the best scale on which to examine residuals and modeling assumption, because, in a sense, it is the scale on which the modeling actually takes place (Mother’s weight is assumed to have a linear form in the model, and the above plot is linear).
For communicating modeling results, however, it is often useful to
transform the above outcome to the probability scale. This can be done
by manually specifying trans
as described in transformations, although for GLMs the shortcut
is provided:
visreg(fit, "lwt", scale="response", rug=2, xlab="Mother's weight", ylab="P(low birthweight)")
Partial residuals
Note that by default, visreg
switches to a rug display
rather than show residuals when a transformation has been applied to the
vertical axis. The reason for this is that residuals are useful to
examine on the linear predictor scale, but can be misleading when
transformed – a moderate residual can appear huge after a
transformation, and vice versa.
To illustrate, suppose we generate some data from a Poisson distribution using a log link:
create an artificial outlier:
y[which.max(x)] <- 0
then fit a Poisson regression model:
fit <- glm(y ~ x, family=poisson)
and visualize with visreg
visreg(fit, "x")
visreg(fit, "x", scale="response")
visreg(fit, "x", scale="response", partial=TRUE)
The default visreg
plot (left) clearly illustrates that
49 of the observations fit the model well, but the 50th is a big
outlier. By transforming to the response scale, we can see the
exponential relationship between x
and y
. The
third plot, however, is misleading – not only does it indicate that
there are several large positive outliers, but it obscures the one
actual outlier.
It is worth mentioning that visreg
uses deviance
residuals for GLMs and Cox proportional hazards models; these are the
most symmetric residuals, and thus, most useful for visually assessing
problems with fit.