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Fit a linear mixed model via penalized maximum likelihood.


  y = NULL,
  K = NULL,
  diag_K = NULL,
  eta_star = NULL,
  penalty = "lasso",
  init = NULL,
  alpha = 1,
  nlambda = 100,
  eps = 1e-04,
  max_iter = 10000,
  warn = TRUE,
  trace = FALSE,
  save_rds = NULL,
  return_fit = TRUE,



The first argument must be one of three things: (1) plmm_design object (as created by create_design()) (2) a string with the file path to a design object (the file path must end in '.rds') (3) a matrix or data.frame object representing the design matrix of interest


Optional: In the case where design is a matrix or data.frame, the user must also supply a numeric outcome vector as the y argument. In this case, design and y will be passed internally to create_design(X = design, y = y).


Similarity matrix used to rotate the data. This should either be: (1) a known matrix that reflects the covariance of y, (2) an estimate (Default is \(\frac{1}{p}(XX^T)\)), or (3) a list with components 'd' and 'U', as returned by a previous plmm() model fit on the same data.


Logical: should K be a diagonal matrix? This would reflect observations that are unrelated, or that can be treated as unrelated. Defaults to FALSE. Note: plmm() does not check to see if a matrix is diagonal. If you want to use a diagonal K matrix, you must set diag_K = TRUE.


Optional argument to input a specific eta term rather than estimate it from the data. If K is a known covariance matrix that is full rank, this should be 1.


The penalty to be applied to the model. Either "lasso" (the default), "SCAD", or "MCP".


Initial values for coefficients. Default is 0 for all columns of X.


The tuning parameter of the MCP/SCAD penalty (see details). Default is 3 for MCP and 3.7 for SCAD.


Tuning parameter for the Mnet estimator which controls the relative contributions from the MCP/SCAD penalty and the ridge, or L2 penalty. alpha=1 is equivalent to MCP/SCAD penalty, while alpha=0 would be equivalent to ridge regression. However, alpha=0 is not supported; alpha may be arbitrarily small, but not exactly 0.


The smallest value for lambda, as a fraction of lambda.max. Default is .001 if the number of observations is larger than the number of covariates and .05 otherwise.


Length of the sequence of lambda. Default is 100.


A user-specified sequence of lambda values. By default, a sequence of values of length nlambda is computed, equally spaced on the log scale.


Convergence threshold. The algorithm iterates until the RMSD for the change in linear predictors for each coefficient is less than eps. Default is 1e-4.


Maximum number of iterations (total across entire path). Default is 10000.


Return warning messages for failures to converge and model saturation? Default is TRUE.


If set to TRUE, inform the user of progress by announcing the beginning of each step of the modeling process. Default is FALSE.


Optional: if a filepath and name without the '.rds' suffix is specified (e.g., save_rds = "~/dir/my_results"), then the model results are saved to the provided location (e.g., "~/dir/my_results.rds"). Accompanying the RDS file is a log file for documentation, e.g., "~/dir/my_results.log". Defaults to NULL, which does not save any RDS or log files.


Optional: a logical value indicating whether the fitted model should be returned as a plmm object in the current (assumed interactive) session. Defaults to TRUE.


Additional optional arguments to plmm_checks()


A list which includes 19 items:

  • beta_vals: The matrix of estimated coefficients. Rows are predictors (with the first row being the intercept), and columns are values of lambda.

  • std_Xbeta: A matrix of the linear predictors on the scale of the standardized design matrix. Rows are predictors, columns are values of lambda. Note: std_Xbeta will not include rows for the intercept or for constant features.

  • std_X_details: A list with 9 items: - center: The center values used to center the columns of the design matrix - scale: The scaling values used to scale the columns of the design matrix - ns: An integer vector of the nonsingular columns of the original data - unpen: An integer vector of indices of the unpenalized features, if any were specified in the design - unpen_colnames: A charater vector of the column names of ay unpenalized features. - X_colnames: A character vector with the column names of all features in the original design matrix - X_rownames: A character vector with the row names of all features in the original design matrix; if none were provided, these are named 'row1', 'row2', etc. - std_X_colnames: A subset of X_colnames representing only nonsignular columns (i.e., the columns indexed by 'ns') - std_X_rownames: A subset of X_rownames representing rows that passed QC filtering & and are represented in both the genotype and phenotype data sets (this only applies to PLINK data)

  • std_X: If design matrix is filebacked, the descriptor for the filebacked data is returned using bigmemory::describe(). If the the data were stored in-memory, nothing is returned (std_X is NULL).

  • y: The outcome vector used in model fitting.

  • p: The total number of columns in the design matrix (including any singular columns, excluding the intercept).

  • plink_flag: Logical - did the data come from PLINK files?

  • lambda: A numeric vector of the tuning parameter values used in model fitting.

  • eta: A double between 0 and 1 representing the estimated proportion of the variance in the outcome attributable to population/correlation structure

  • penalty: A character string indicating the penalty with which the model was fit (e.g., 'MCP')

  • gamma: A numeric value indicating the tuning parameter used for the SCAD or lasso penalties was used. Not relevant for lasso models.

  • alpha: A numeric value indicating the elastic net tuning parameter.

  • loss: A vector with the numeric values of the loss at each value of lambda (calculated on the ~rotated~ scale)

  • penalty_factor: A vector of indicators corresponding to each predictor, where 1 = predictor was penalized.

  • ns_idx: An integer vector with the indices of predictors which were non-singular features (i.e., features which had variation), where feature 1 is the intercept.

  • iter: An integer vector with the number of iterations needed in model fitting for each value of lambda

  • converged: A vector of logical values indicating whether the model fitting converged at each value of lambda

  • K: a list with 2 elements, s and U

    • s: a vector of the eigenvalues of the relatedness matrix K (note: K is the kinship matrix for genetic/genomic data; see the article on notation for details)

    • U: a matrix of the eigenvectors of the relatedness matrix


# using admix data
admix_design <- create_design(X = admix$X, y = admix$y)
fit <- plmm(design = admix_design)
s <- summary(fit, idx = 50)
#> lasso-penalized regression model with n=197, p=101 at lambda=0.01426
#> -------------------------------------------------
#> The model converged 
#> -------------------------------------------------
#> # of non-zero coefficients:  88 
#> -------------------------------------------------

# Note: for examples with large data that are too big to fit in memory,
# see the article "PLINK files/file-backed matrices" on our website