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Preprocess PLINK files using the bigsnpr package


  rds_dir = data_dir,
  logfile = NULL,
  impute = TRUE,
  impute_method = "mode",
  id_var = "IID",
  parallel = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,



The path to the bed/bim/fam data files, without a trailing "/" (e.g., use data_dir = '~/my_dir', not data_dir = '~/my_dir/')


The prefix (as a character string) of the bed/fam data files (e.g., data_prefix = 'mydata')


The path to the directory in which you want to create the new '.rds' and '.bk' files. Defaults to data_dir


String specifying the user's preferred filename for the to-be-created .rds file (will be create insie rds_dir folder) Note: 'rds_prefix' cannot be the same as 'data_prefix'


Optional: the name (character string) of the prefix of the logfile to be written in 'rds_dir'. Default to NULL (no log file written). Note: if you supply a file path in this argument, it will error out with a "file not found" error. Only supply the string; e.g., if you want my_log.log, supply 'my_log', the my_log.log file will appear in rds_dir.


Logical: should data be imputed? Default to TRUE.


If 'impute' = TRUE, this argument will specify the kind of imputation desired. Options are: * mode (default): Imputes the most frequent call. See bigsnpr::snp_fastImputeSimple() for details. * random: Imputes sampling according to allele frequencies. * mean0: Imputes the rounded mean. * mean2: Imputes the mean rounded to 2 decimal places. * xgboost: Imputes using an algorithm based on local XGBoost models. See bigsnpr::snp_fastImpute() for details. Note: this can take several minutes, even for a relatively small data set.


String specifying which column of the PLINK .fam file has the unique sample identifiers. Options are "IID" (default) and "FID"


Logical: should the computations within this function be run in parallel? Defaults to TRUE. See count_cores() and ?bigparallelr::assert_cores for more details. In particular, the user should be aware that too much parallelization can make computations slower.


Logical: should messages to be printed to the console be silenced? Defaults to FALSE


Logical: if existing .bk/.rds files exist for the specified directory/prefix, should these be overwritten? Defaults to FALSE. Set to TRUE if you want to change the imputation method you're using, etc. Note: If there are multiple .rds files with names that start with "std_prefix_...", this will error out. To protect users from accidentally deleting files with saved results, only one .rds file can be removed with this option.


Optional: additional arguments to bigsnpr::snp_fastImpute() (relevant only if impute_method = "xgboost")


The filepath to the '.rds' object created; see details for explanation.


Three files are created in the location specified by rds_dir:

  • 'rds_prefix.rds': This is a list with three items: (1) X: the filebacked bigmemory::big.matrix object pointing to the imputed genotype data. This matrix has type 'double', which is important for downstream operations in create_design() (2) map: a data.frame with the PLINK 'bim' data (i.e., the variant information) (3) fam: a data.frame with the PLINK 'fam' data (i.e., the pedigree information)

  • 'prefix.bk': This is the backingfile that stores the numeric data of the genotype matrix

  • 'rds_prefix.desc'" This is the description file, as needed by the

Note that process_plink() need only be run once for a given set of PLINK files; in subsequent data analysis/scripts, get_data() will access the '.rds' file.

For an example, see vignette on processing PLINK files