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A function to print the summary of a plmm model


# S3 method for class 'summary.plmm'
print(x, ...)



A summary.plmm object


Not used


Nothing is returned; instead, a message is printed to the console summarizing the results of the model fit.


lam <- rev(seq(0.01, 1, length.out=20)) |> round(2) # for sake of example
admix_design <- create_design(X = admix$X, outcome_col = admix$y)
fit <- plmm(design = admix_design, lambda = lam)
fit2 <- plmm(design = admix_design, penalty = "SCAD", lambda = lam)
print(summary(fit, idx = 18))
#> lasso-penalized regression model with n=197, p=101 at lambda=0.1100
#> -------------------------------------------------
#> The model converged 
#> -------------------------------------------------
#> # of non-zero coefficients:  29 
#> -------------------------------------------------
print(summary(fit2, idx = 18))
#> SCAD-penalized regression model with n=197, p=101 at lambda=0.1100
#> -------------------------------------------------
#> The model converged 
#> -------------------------------------------------
#> # of non-zero coefficients:  28 
#> -------------------------------------------------